Rhinoplasty: Before and after photos and suggestions for surgery preparation

The nose is an indispensable and important part of the face, which greatly affects our beauty and aesthetic appearance. In this article, we will analyze how to correct minor and major defects of nose shape through rhinoplasty.

Before and after rhinoplasty

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty has been used in plastic surgery since the end of the 19th century and is a well-studied method of nose correction. First of all, it has a cosmetic effect: it can eliminate congenital defects of the nose, nostrils or nasal septum, as well as congenital defects caused by trauma. Secondly, it has a therapeutic effect, because the curved nose shape often brings great troubles to respiratory diseases and respiratory diseases.

Despite its knowledge and popularity, surgical techniques are quite complex and require not only doctors but also patients to adopt responsible methods. First of all, before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to have a detailed consultation with the doctor, as well as all the medical check-ups he issued. If necessary, a computed tomography scan can be performed. This is very important! Because of the obvious contraindications to this type of surgery, your health may suffer irreversible side effects. A few weeks before the operation, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs and not to smoke or drink.

Rhinoplasty: before and after photos

Photos before and after rhinoplasty

The success of the operation directly depends on the doctor's professional level and experience. The shape of the nose and the surgical intervention in the process of changing the nose not only have important cosmetic significance, but also have an important impact from a medical point of view. The various parts of the nose are closely connected to the entire respiratory system.

Therefore, this procedure requires a comprehensive preliminary study of the nose itself and the facial structure related to it. Any operation of the doctor must be clear and verified to avoid adverse consequences for the patient's health. Therefore, avoid repeated operations. Therefore, when choosing a clinic, you should not put the price of the operation itself in the first place. Pay special attention to the qualifications and evaluation of doctors.

In fact, the moments after the operation are not satisfied with its appearance are excluded. Nowadays, every clinic can perform computer modeling and shape selection of your nose. You can use your own eyes to see how you look at the program and make your own adjustments.

important hint:Before making a final decision, consult your doctor. Maybe your unsatisfactory appearance is not affected by the shape of your nose, but completely different parts of the face may need to be corrected or corrected. If there are no obvious defects and damages, even dissatisfaction with oneself is even purely psychological. In both cases, the visible result of the process will be negative. Therefore, handle the problem in a responsible manner.

Before and after rhinoplasty

At what age can I do rhinoplasty?

It is not recommended to perform a nose correction procedure before the age of 18 or earlier than 20. This is due to the nasal cartilage formation process that took place before this age. By the age of 20, they are fully formed. Surgery is not recommended for patients after the age of 40. At this age, the tissue healing process is much slower and the operation will be more complicated. Patients with diabetes, all types of tumors, cardiovascular disease, and poor blood coagulation are prohibited from nose correction.

Types of rhinoplasty

Whether the process of rhinoplasty is open or closed depends on what needs to be corrected. The closed rhinoplasty can make an incision inside the nose without leaving scars on the skin surface. When it is not possible to perform the full amount of work agreed upon in the operation plan, use the open style. The scar that formed actually disappeared after 1-2 months.

Photos before and after rhinoplasty

Recovery period after surgery

Like any surgery, rhinoplasty has its own recovery period. It is short-lived, but it has unpleasant consequences. In the first few days, the nose may be slightly painful. Because of the special tampon, you must also breathe through your mouth and then take it out. In addition, slight bleeding may occur in 2-3 days. But this is normal, and you don’t need to worry about it.

After the operation, a special plaster with fixed and protective functions is applied to the patient. After about a week, this cast will be deleted and stitches will be deleted. The swelling under the eyes will disappear in about 2-3 weeks. Well, you can evaluate the final result of the surgeon's work in no more than 6 months.

Finally, for a few months after rhinoplasty, you need to be extra careful not to participate in sports or any sports activities, and to get plenty of rest. It is also recommended not to wear glasses.