Plastic eye surgery: type of surgery, price, contraindications, repair

Blepharoplasty, also known as plastic eye surgery, is one of the cheapest and simplest procedures in cosmetic surgery. At the same time, this intervention can smooth the most expressive signs of aging-drape and puffiness in the eyelid area. During the operation, it also takes an hour and a half to carefully remove fatty hernias. We usually call them "eye bags" to remove excess skin and eliminate bruises under the eyes. If before the operation, the patient is still looking at the world "under the eyebrows" under the pressure of upper and lower eyelids swelling, then at the exit, his eyes become open, young "upturned" and fresh.

Limited plastic eye surgery

Moreover, contrary to popular skepticism, the natural shape of the eyes will not change after blepharoplasty, and they will not be artificially stretched, such as Jocelyn Wildenstein. To achieve this effect, at least one person’s "limit" for plastic surgery must be exceeded, and no more than four. How many people there are in Jocelyn is unknown, but she is clearly far beyond the allowed range.

Generally speaking, plastic surgeons say that during the operation, the eyes actually lengthen by 1-2 mm-these changes are usually not even noticed by the patient themselves. But if they are constantly being pulled and their volume increases by 1 cm, then they will inevitably begin to reveal all the secrets so hard to hide.

But at the same time, experts immediately emphasized that the effect of eye plastic surgery can only be maintained for 5-7 years. Therefore, most of the patients here are people over 35 years old, and age-related obvious deformities will cause obvious discomfort.

Another important point: Blepharoplasty cannot smooth the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, also known as "crow's feet". For these purposes, various injections are now available-from botulinum toxin to a more natural vitamin cocktail based on hyaluronic acid. Today, it is the easiest, fastest and most painless way to remove fine lines, not only around the eyes, but also between the forehead, nasolabial fold area, and eyebrows.

Age-related changes are not the only indication for eye plastic surgery

Before and after eye surgery

However, age as an indication for blepharoplasty is a fairly relative standard, because young people often turn to plastic surgeons who need eye plastic surgery because of the premature signs of aging in this area. Early aging in this area among them may be due to the following reasons:

  • Rapid aging or the genetic tendency to form "eye bags";
  • Liver and kidney disease;
  • "Unhealthy" lifestyle: eating too salty food, alcohol, smoking;
  • Harmful beauty habits, such as stretching the skin when applying creams, the habit of not washing off makeup, and lack of proper beauty care.

If young patients do not need to remove excess skin, surgeons will prefer the modern eye plastic surgery technique-transconjunctival blepharoplasty. This technique is the most non-invasive and does not even require sutures. The only thing is that in this way, you can remove only the fatty deposits (eye bags) in the upper and lower eyelids, without removing other tissues.

To perform the operation, the plastic surgeon twists the eyelid, makes a one-millimeter puncture on the inner side called the conjunctiva, and removes the fatty hernia through it, which is the cause of the eye bag. The puncture located on the mucosa is tightened shortly after the operation without any additional intervention, because the tissue regenerates here very quickly. Usually, after this type of surgery, the patient will be discharged from the hospital within 1-1. 5 hours after the intervention.

Indications for eye plastic surgery

  • Fatty hernia in the upper eyelid and/or lower eyelid area;
  • "Bruises" under the eyes;
  • Swelling of the periorbital area;
  • Drooping upper eyelids;
  • Wrinkles and excess skin around the eyes;
  • Asymmetric eyes (shape and cut);
  • There is a fold in the upper eyelid area (a typical feature of Asians)

Eye plastic surgery method

In modern plastic surgery, there are two main methods for performing blepharoplasty:

  • Laser-Cutting with laser beam;
  • Surgical-Open "Access" with a scalpel.

Types of plastic surgery used for eye correction

The duration of all interventions for eye plastic surgery does not exceed one and a half hours. They are performed under general anesthesia (required for circular blepharoplasty) or under local anesthesia based on epinephrine and 1-2 lidocaine solutions. Within two hours after the operation, the patient must go to the clinic to rule out complications.

The sutures after eye plastic surgery are removed within 3-4 days-in the case of classic blepharoplasty, if the surgery is performed via the conjunctiva, these sutures will not overlap at all.

After blepharoplasty, bruising and some swelling may persist around the eyes for 1 to 2 weeks. Generally speaking, this is a normal phenomenon-you just have to wait for it.

Upper eyelid plastic surgery

Assume that eye correction is performed in the upper eyelid area. As a result, the "heavy" drape is eliminated, and excess skin is removed. For the operation, the plastic surgeon makes an incision in the natural fold area located in the upper eyelid area, then removes the excess skin flaps, and after opening the passage of the fat tissue, he also removes them. The incision is sutured here with an internal seam and a special thinnest thread. As a result, within 1-2 months, even the patient himself will not see the scar at all.

Lower eyelid plastic surgery to remove eye bags and bruises

Perform a blepharoplasty on the lower eyelid and make an incision 1-2 mm below the eyelash line. During the operation, the surgeon first cuts off part of the excess skin, then he opens and removes the tissue from the fat sac, which is a fatty hernia. On the contrary, sometimes lower blepharoplasty does not eliminate fat deposits, but supplements them slightly, evenly distributing them in the "lower" area.

After that, the internal seam is applied, as in the first case, after about 1-2 months, the color is completely faded and completely invisible.

Circular blepharoplasty

This is to correct the lower eyelid and upper eyelid at the same time.

Eye Incision Plastic Surgery

Before and after eye surgery

This plastic eye surgery technique is most popular among Asians. This intervention, also called blepharoplasty, allows you to transform the single eyelid (a characteristic of Asians) of the upper eyelid into a double eyelid, similar to our eyelid.

During the plastic surgery of the eye incision, the inner canthus epidermis (the characteristic protrusion of the skin folds of the inner corner of the eye) is removed, and crescent-shaped double folds are formed at the same time. The excess fat deposits around the eyes are also removed.

But the appearance of Asians is not the only indication for eye plastic surgery, that is, in addition to correcting the folds of the upper eyelid. Through this intervention, you can correct the shape of the eye, the incision, and tighten the lowered outer corner of the eye. Blepharoplasty is not more traumatic than other types of blepharoplasty.

Recovery period after plastic eye surgery

On average, the recovery period takes 2 to 6 weeks. Those who do not smoke and strictly follow all the surgeon’s postoperative recommendations can count on the shortest time:

  1. 7-10 days, patients must wear colored glasses;
  2. About 10-14 days, you need to stop wearing contact lenses and wear glasses;
  3. Avoid physical exertion, sudden movement, bending, which will cause the seam to break;
  4. You need to give up cosmetic surgery within at least one month;
  5. Make-up is only allowed 10 days after the operation.

Contraindications for eye plastic surgery

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Colds and infectious diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • Respiratory failure;
  • Liver and kidney disease;
  • Acute chronic disease;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Insanity;
  • Violation of coagulation function;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

In order to determine the factors hindering eye plastic surgery, the following tests were performed:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood used for coagulation chart;
  • Blood chemistry
  • The cardiologist's conclusion based on the electrocardiogram;
  • Endocrinologist's conclusion;
  • Abdominal organ ultrasound;
  • Blood test for HIV;
  • Visit a psychologist.

Plastic ophthalmology price

In recent years, the price of plastic surgery has dropped significantly. This is mainly due to the technicalization of the field, but has nothing to do with the quality of the services provided. In the past, plastic surgeons used only a scalpel to make large and deep incisions according to outdated techniques, leaving very obvious scars. Today, these technologies are replaced by more affordable high-tech technologies that allow you to perform any surgical intervention quickly and minimally. Because of this, the price of plastic surgery has become more affordable for ordinary people.